Here we go? Possibly. Well, I actually don’t know. My old site, DigitalZero Domain, disappeared off the face of the Internet over the last couple of days or so, presumably because my free hosting finally pulled the plug on it, after who knows how many years of it just lingering on the net. The hosting, I mean, which still dated back to the days of the FWB, so back to 2005 or thereabouts.
I seem to have this stupid mentality of needing to have some form of custom, non-social media representation on the Internet. Twitter and co. are fine for what they are, but there’s just something about having a website or blog or whatever to call my own - again, most likely stemming from said mentality, one fueled by nostalgia for the pre-“Web 2.0” Internet, fueled by the memories of running a small site dating back to ca. the year 2000. Heck, if I remember correctly, I had temporarily closed down my site, to be replaced with a new design or somesuch, on September 10th, 2001. Although I cannot remember when I actually performed the upgrade, considering the events that unfolded the next day, across the Atlantic Ocean, which ended up overriding probably a lot of people’s memories of the days and weeks beyond.
Regardless, this is an experiment. DZD met its forced demise, and I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t an untimely one. As in, maybe clinging to the aforementioned mentality isn’t what I should be doing.
But then it was the dead of night and I thought, hey, let’s try some kinda small site again. But let’s not bother with some big content management or blogging system, nor with trying to roll our own - sorry, AsayakeCMS and especially Nanochan. This here now seems easy enough.
So, yeah. I suppose I’ll try to blog here from time to time, maybe repost a longer thing or two that I had previously posted on forums, we’ll see.